All Applicants should read:

  1. The Interview Process

2. Applicant and Scholarship Recipient Responsibilities

You may also like to read Terms & Conditions for All Scholarships.

Students applying for the Jean and Peter Stokes Creative Arts Scholarship should read:

Pre-requisite Year 10 Pathways and Designated Year 11 Creative Arts Subject and Certificate Courses

Scholarships for Year 10 Students

Scholarships for Year 11 students

Scholarships for Year 7 students

Mineral Science Awards – two awards of $200 each will be given each year – one to a Year 8 student who is enrolled in the Select Entry CoRE program for Year 9 the following year, and one to a Year 9, and will be used to subsidise the students Year 9 and Year 10 field excursion/s which have a mineral science component. Recipients will be assessed by relevant teachers in the Science learning area and the Foundation donor who has funded the award. The selection process will take part near the end of Term 3, or early in Term 4 each year. The names of the awardees will be announced later in the year along with other scholarship announcements. Students do not need to apply for these awards.