Scholarship Value and Payment
Year 7 Aspire Scholarships
One payment of $200.00 paid into school account
Year 7 Mineral Science Award
One payment of $200 each to two selected students paid into school account
Year 11 Jock Bremner Scholarship for Excellence in Science
One payment of $1,200.00 paid into school account
Year 11 Kentian Academic Scholarship
Two annual payments of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 11 Jean & Peter Stokes English and Humanities Scholarship
Two annual payments of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 11 Suzy Urbaniak Earth and Environmental Science Scholarship
Two annual payments of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 11 Jean & Peter Stokes Fashion and Design Scholarship
Two annual payments of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 11 Jean & Peter Stokes Financial Assistance Scholarship
Two annual payments of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 12 Lance Maschmedt Physics Scholarship
One payment of $500.00 paid into school account
Year 12 Kentian Vocational and Educational Training (VET) ATAR Scholarship
One payment of $600.00 paid into school account
Year 12 Kentian Vocational and Educational Training (VET) General Scholarship
One payment of $600.00 paid into school account