
  • Be aware of your responsibilities as an applicant.
  • Complete your application accurately and submit it on time.
  • Take responsibility for your Semester 1 report and other documentation required for the application.
  • Check emails regularly from the close of entry until notification of results.
  • Reply to emails relating to the scholarship process in a timely manner.
  • Be on time and prepared for the interview.
  • Direct questions relating to the scholarships, firstly, to the Year Co-ordinator then to the Panel Co-ordinator if further assistance is needed.
  • Note that failure to observe the above instructions could result in disqualification of their application.

Scholarship Recipients

  • Check your emails regularly from the day of notification until the end of the school year.
  • Reply to emails relating to the scholarship presentation in a timely manner.
  • Attend the presentation and post-presentation function (if held) and introduce yourself to any sponsor in attendance.
  • Be prepared to run or assist in the following year’s scholarship presentation
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude and commitment to your studies and in doing so your achievement should reflect positively on yourself, Kent Street Senior High School and the Kentian Scholarship Foundation.